Causes and effects


·       What are the causes and effects of an unhealthy mental state vs a healthy mental state?


      Unhealthy mental state: 



• childhood abuse, trauma, or neglect.

• social isolation or loneliness.

   • experiencing discrimination and stigma.

   • social disadvantage, poverty or debt.

• bereavement (losing someone close to you)

   • severe or long-term stress.




• Well, poor mental health can affect your ability to make healthy decisions. What's more, neglecting your mental health can lead to more serious mental and physical health concerns such as: depression, anxiety, a disorder of some sort and physically: lack of energy or motivation, improper weight patterns, an unhealthy diet, messy sleeping habits. This can affect your life and put you in a position of danger.



Healthy mental state:



Being around friends and family

• Having a balanced diet

• Sleeping on time

• Being physically active

• Checking in with yourself once in a while

• Going to therapy if you need to




• Having a good mental health could really affect your life in many good ways. It will keep you happy from the inside out, Of course you need to work for it and make a little progress each and everyday. You need to figure out what’s right for you and what you’re struggle is. You need to ask yourself how you can fix your struggle and what you need to work on in order to have a good mental health.


Melanie Mathias



