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What are the steps we can take to help others cope with bad mental health?


People can often have a bad mental health because of various reasons, such as stress, anxiety, loosing someone, discrimination, going through a trauma, etc.  But there are ways that can help you cope with a mental state like this and eventually get out of it, so here are some things that can help you cope with bad mental health.

What are the signs of good mental health? - Quora


1.    Talk to someone close about what you are feeling: As daunting as it may seem to share your dark thoughts with someone else, it really helps you. When you talk about what you are going through with someone else, it can lessen your pain and you can also get a new perspective on what is happening. You feel a sense of belonging and trust.


2.    Let it all out: When you feel like crying, do not hold back, just let it all out. It will help you by a great deal if you do not bottle up your feelings and push them away, but rather feel lighter when you get rid of them.


3.    Pet therapy: Pet therapy may seem like an odd thing at first, but it works perfectly. These little furry friends of ours are trained to help people with stress and anxiety, as they have helped people recover from cancer around the globe , and it is also something I have personally experienced as a pet owner.


4.    Find positive distractions: Try to find things that make you happy- it could be anything from binge watching your favorite tv series to taking a bubble bath to just going out for a walk, try to distract yourself and find something that makes relaxes you as it will greatly benefit you.


5.    See a professional: If you are in an awful mental state and are having suicidal thoughts constantly, it is no shame in seeing a professional such as a therapist or a physiatrist , as they can guide you and help you get out of this tough situation safe and sound


