Mental Health x Physical Health

Poor mental health has been known to increase the chances 
Healthy time start: Mental health VS Physical healthof developing serious illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Depression, for example, has been linked with a 67% greater risk of death from heart disease. In fact, 45% of people with a mental health problem also have along term physical condition 

 It’s perhaps easier to see how mental health can affect physical health,  but the opposite is also true. Rates of depression are double in people living with diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart problems, for example. While 30% of those with long term physical health conditions also have a mental health problem. Active people are more likely to be physically and mentally fit and healthy. Put simply, exercise makes you feel good. Physical activity can take many forms – you don’t have to be a gym fanatic; you can still expend energy and keep fit doing housework, gardening, or walking.
Care you mental health along with your physical health too ...
