Global Initiatives

UAE's Initiatives

The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) has announced its intention to launch the biggest national program for integrating mental health in all the UAE’s primary health care centres (Revealed: how the UAE plans to tackle mental health, 2020). The new program features the provision of community mental health services to reduce the hazards of relapse, enhance social, psychological and occupational empowerment of the psychiatric patient, and to deal with mental health disorders in primary health care centres, in addition to providing specialized psychiatric units (Revealed: how the UAE plans to tackle mental health, 2020).

The national newspaper in the UAE ‘Gulf news’ has released an article titled ‘5 ways to get help in the UAE for your mental health’(Marwa Hamad, 2020). This article includes hotlines that could be called, answers to commonly asked questions and telehealth that you can access. This shows that the UAE does have services that can be widely accessed by anyone from the comfort of their home. 

Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) makes it compulsory for all schools to have a therapist, to ensure the good mental health of the students. Our school has also announced a new position this year titled “happiness ambassador” this is a position given to a student, whose duty would be to make sure everyone is happy in the school environment. Our school also released a program called mindfulness Monday and family class, These initiatives did play a part in our good mental health.

The U.S's Initiatives

The federal government works in partnership with the united states to address mental health. The federal role in mental health includes regulating systems and providers, protecting the rights of consumers, providing funding for services, and supporting research and innovation. As a major funding source for mental health services (The Federal and State Role in Mental Health, 2020).

These are the steps the US is going to take to ensure the good mental health of its citizens:

Access: Expand access to a full continuum of services delivered in the context of robust and sustainable community-based delivery systems (Mental Health in America: Where Are We Now? - National Council, 2020).

Science-based care: Invest in evidence-based services, delivered by a skilled workforce that leverages technology and is held accountable for outcomes (Mental Health in America: Where Are We Now? - National Council, 2020).

Integration: Ensure mental and physical health care is integrated, services are coordinated, and high-need, high-cost populations are targeted (Mental Health in America: Where Are We Now? - National Council, 2020).

The United States will open up its market for traditional Indian therapies like yoga and Ayurveda medicines for mental illnesses and also give access to the U.S. research on mental health, according to the agreement signed during the U.S. President Donald Trump’s first official visit to India in February.

India's Initiatives

Amid growing concerns about the global spread of COVID-19, India and the United States recently reached an agreement to help each other in the area of mental health. 

India has found various ways to spread awareness about good mental health, this includes: Conventional media, Government programs, Educational system, Internet, social media and cellphones and crowd-sourcing (Srivastava, Chatterjee and Bhat, 2020).
