Facts and Figures

This pie chart demonstrates how the current situation of the world is affecting the mental health of various individuals in a wide age range. We received 112 responses, of which 72.3% said they are 50/50 about it, they are updated, but not letting it affect them too much, this is what we were expecting. 11.6% of people say they are unaffected and 11.6% say they have completely stopped reading the news, as it was taking a toll on their mental health. This shows how different everyone’s mental state truly is and shows how everyone has contrasting views on the same subject. 4.5% of people have been affected and are worried about the future, it is likely that this small percentage of people were affected personally example. a loved one passing away or losing their job. 
10 being the best we asked pupils how well they think they are maintaining their mental health. We received a wide variety of answers, the majority of the votes between 6-8 (48 people), this is average and quite normal. But the votes between 1-3 were not that far off, reaching 43 people, majority of these people being between ages 10-16. Most of these pupils justified their answers by saying they just don’t have time, are to busy with exams and schoolwork and some of them are on borderline depression. Our student’s mental health is deteriorating due to too much pressure, action must be taken! Therefore the SDG 3 was created.

Prisha Godwani
